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Bring Humanity Back 
to the Workplace


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I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand

Why Experiential Learning? We want to do more than teach you. We want to help you learn a new way of being.


Proficient communication and perceptive connection are natural skills. The focus of our program is to remind you how to tap into those skills. Challenge your perceptions about communication, connection, and collaboration through Experiential Learning. 

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Meet Dr. Kimberly Kuden

After finishing my Ph.D., I started on a mission to share what I learned through my research and journey. 
Having 25 years of experience working in small, mid-sized, and large organizations, I have witnessed the emergence of a new economic era. One in which organizations face increasing rates of change and competition. The emerging era requires not only efficiency and knowledge but also agility and innovative thinking to survive. Due to the greater demand for knowledge that differs from that of the Industrial Era, the post-Industrial Era worker is commonly referred to as a knowledge worker. Today many believe that we are transitioning again from the Knowledge Era to the Learning Era. Traditionally, leaders have sought stability and avoided uncertainty through structure and processes. These concepts often conflict with the Knowledge Era and Learning Era requirements of agility and innovation. The struggle to transition from Industrial Era leadership to Knowledge Era leadership and even further to Learning Era Leadership affects the development and engagement of today's workers. 

Additionally, a new paradigm in employee values due to generational shifts necessitate reevaluation of leadership practices to enhance employee engagement and contribution. The next-generation employee expects enhanced psychological capital in the form of being supported and connected with a purpose.
My network of outstanding coaches, trainers, and I have pooled our expertise to deliver a new intelligence of emotional agility.

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Program Objectives

Our programs include multiple or single-day events for executives, leaders, teams, and individuals that create an environment for personal growth, compassionate leadership, and team building. 

Develop Yourself as a Leader

Lead Your Team to Greatness

Create Organization Health

Horse relaxing jaw while facilitator is instructing client
  • Stay calm under stressful situations

  • Learn to use your intuition to make better decisions

  • Learn to believe in yourself while staying humble

  • Unlock your individual strengths

Woman with hand on horses face
  • Create an environment of safety

  • Promote healthy conflict

  • Promote networks and teamwork

  • Promote continuous learning

  • Unlock your team's individual strengths

Team receiving instruction
  • Minimize politics

  • Minimize confusion

  • High Morale

  • High Productivity

  • Low Turnover

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ASTA Leadership Summit 2022

Success Stories

"The program is empowering and immediately applicable to one's career and life. Best of all, it's fun!"

-Bill Apablasa, Co-creator "Oxygen Buzz"

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Front view of horse turned away from a man in background.

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